What inspires you the most?
History, heritage, archives filled with changing expressions, bloody brilliant women, blue skies and warmer climes.

India's guest room at her Oxfordshire home. Sutta Duvet Set, Full / Queen, $545; Cabatti Gray Sheet Set, Full / Queen, $495; Lina Turquoise Decorative Pillow, $140.
Favorite books?
David Hicks' Scrap Books- compiled by my brother Ashley, from my father’s library of 25 unwieldy delicate books. These books form a continuous epic cycle, a life reflected, portrayed and sampled. My brother resolved to make them more accessible and paired down thousands of pages into one single volume- so others may continue to be inspired by our father’s work.

Left, India with her kids. Right, India's son Amory at home. Cabatti Sand Sheet Set, Queen, $495; Tipusa Throw, $198; Vivada Sand Woven Quilt, $470.
What's something not many people know about you?
I was actually advised against taking the math’s exam in school because I was predicted to fail so appallingly it would reflect badly on the school.

Do you have a favorite project that you've worked on?
Oh that’s easy - creating and co-running the India Hicks Lifestyle brand. I have never lived, learnt or laughed as much as I did during those 5 exciting years.
What's the best professional advice you've ever been given?
If you don’t know the answer, then find someone who does. When I first dipped my toe into the entrepreneurial world, my arsenal of business terms, policies and behaviors was very limited - a mentor told me to never be afraid to admit that and ask for help.

How did you meet your partner David Flint Wood?
David was a friend of my older sisters - he used to occasionally take me out from boarding school, being six years older he made quite an impression with his devilish good looks and icy humor.
Many, many years later I found my way to Harbour Island. I had been reminded that David was now living in this remote spot. As the island is only half a mile wide and three long, it did not take much detective work to find David, shoeless and suntanned, he was running a small hotel with a copy of Joseph Conrad’s ‘An Outcast of the Islands’ in one hand and a Bloody Mary in the other. Four months later I was pregnant!
India and her husband, David Flint Wood.

What's your favorite thing about John Robshaw bedding?
I was once giving a design talk in the USA. Up on the screen I was showing an image of my bedroom. I described the origin of the bed itself and the linens on it “The best part is I get to sleep with John Robshaw every night” The room laughed. After the talk a very elegant older woman came over “Might I introduce myself” she said holding out her hand “I am John Robshaw’s mother!” - I still like to sleep with John Robshaw. The textiles are timeless.